Informasi Umum

8 Most Favorite Universities in Surabaya, Public and Private Campuses!

Admin BFI
15 May 2023
8 Most Favorite Universities in Surabaya, Public and Private Campuses!

The new school year will start soon. As parents, of course, we want the best for our children. One of them is none other than in the realm of education, especially for those of you who want to send their children to universities in Surabaya.

There are several reasonable reasons why parents want their children to go to good schools, such as high-quality education, qualified resources and facilities, career opportunities, connections, and social prestige.

Whatever is your preference in choosing or recommending a university for your beloved child, there's nothing wrong with taking a look at the following list of universities in Surabaya which are many people's favorites.


8 Most Favorite Universities in Surabaya

The city of Surabaya is known as the city of heroes. This nickname was given because of the many national leaders who were born in this city. Apart from that, there was also the heroic action carried out by the people of Surabaya against the Dutch colonialists on November 10, 1945, to be exact.

Apart from being nicknamed the city of heroes and being known as the city with the second largest population in Indonesia, this city which is located in East Java province has several favorite universities in Surabaya. Curious about what universities in Surabaya are the favorites of many people? Here's the complete list!

1. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember or better known as ITS is one of the best and most popular universities in the city of Surabaya.

ITS has 3 campuses located in several different areas, such as the ITS Sukolilo Campus, Manyar Campus, and Cokroaminoto Campus.

The most chosen study programs at ITS include Informatics Engineering, Information Systems, Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, and so on. In addition, ITS is also known as a state university that often wins prestigious national and international science competitions.

Reporting from the UniRank website, as of 2023 ITS occupies the 13th position as the Top Universities in Indonesia.

2. Universitas Airlangga

Universitas Airlangga is one of the top universities in Indonesia. The name attached to this university is taken from the name of one of the kings who once ruled East Java in 1019 – 1042.

Founded on November 10, 1954, coinciding with the 9th Hero's Day, Universitas Airlangga has several departments with excellent accreditation, and many prospective students have chosen them. Among other things, the study programs of medicine, management, psychology, law, and pharmacy.

Located on Jl. Airlangga No.4 – 6, Airlangga, Kec. Gubeng, Surabaya, and two other campus building locations, UNAIR managed to rank 6th as the Top Universities in Indonesia according to UniRank 2023.

3. Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Universitas Negeri Surabaya or known as UNESA is one of the state universities in Surabaya which is the target of many people.

Consisting of two different campuses, namely the Lidah Wetan Campus and the Ketintang Campus, before changing its name to Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 1999, this university was formerly known as IKIP Surabaya.

UNESA has several faculties and study programs that are quite diverse. Starting from the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty of Economics (FE), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), and so on.

According to the UniRank 2023 page, UNESA is ranked 31st nationally as the Top Universities in Indonesia 2023.

4. Universitas Surabaya

The next university in Surabaya that is often chosen by prospective students is the Universitas Surabaya. This university is one of the oldest universities in the city of Surabaya with 3 different campuses, which are located in Ngagel, Rungkut, and Trawas.

Universitas Surabaya, which is often called Ubaya, is ranked 61st according to UniRank 2023 as the Top Universities in Indonesia in 2023. The favorite majors that have been chosen are Law, Psychology, and Accounting.

5. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel (UIN Sunan Ampel)

UIN Sunan Ampel is the next university in Surabaya with the highest ranking, namely 29th in the Top Universities in Indonesia 2023 category according to UniRank.

Apart from being commonly referred to as UIN Sunan Ampel, this state university is often referred to as UINSA. The name Sunan Ampel embedded is taken from one of the names Walisongo or a figure who propagated Islam in Indonesia.

UINSA has 9 different faculties and several favorite majors targeted by prospective students, such as the Da'wah Management, Communication Studies, Psychology, Environmental Engineering, and Islamic Politics study programs.

6. Universitas Kristen Petra

universitas di surabaya

Image Source: Freepik/@Lifestylememory

Being one of the oldest universities in the city of Surabaya, Universitas Kristen Petra is known as UK Petra or UKP. The word 'Petra' which is in Greek means 'rock'.

Addressed at Jl. Siwalankerto No. 121-131, Siwalankerto, Kec. Wonocolo, Surabaya, Universitas Kristen Petra has undergraduate (S1) and postgraduate study programs or master's (S2) programs. Some of the most popular majors at this university include Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Informatics Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

7. Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

The next university in Surabaya is the Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya or commonly known as UNTAG. This university is one of the oldest in Surabaya where UNTAG was established on August 17, 1958.

Addressed at Jl. Semolowaru No. 45, Menur Pumpungan, Kec. Sukolilo, Surabaya, some of the favorite majors that have been chosen include Communication Studies, Business Economics, and Informatics Engineering.

8. Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

UPN Veteran Jawa Timur is one of the state campuses in Surabaya. Inaugurated as a state campus on October 6, 2014, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur used to be a private campus.

The name 'Veteran' attached to this university is taken from the names of the founders of the university who were veterans of the Indonesian War of Independence. UPN Veteran East Java succeeded in ranking 68th in the Top Universities in Indonesia version of UniRank 2023.

Consisting of 7 prestigious faculties, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur has favorite study programs such as Agrotechnology, Business Administration, Informatics, Industrial Engineering, and Agribusiness.

BFI friends, those are the 8 Most Favorite Universities in Surabaya according to the BFI Finance Team. Which university are you interested in choosing?

Don't forget to prepare your child's education fund as early as possible. Although preparing an education fund is not easy, with careful planning, everything is not impossible to do.

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