BFI Finance are Trusted Financing Company in Indonesia

Since 1982

42 years attend and serving financial needs of the community


People has chosen BFI Finance as their financial partner

200 Branch

Service spreads across most of Indonesia

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What Do We Offer

Secured Financing


Dapatkan dana pencairan hingga 80% dari nilai kendaraan dan tenor hingga 3 tahun

Secured Financing


Dapatkan pinjaman dengan proses cepat dan tenor maksimal hingga 24 bulan.

Secured Financing

House Certificate

Bunga rendah mulai dari 0.9% per bulan dan tenor pinjaman panjang hingga 84 bulan.

Others Financing


Pembelian mobil bekas dan Multiguna syariah dengan fitur Tanpa Denda dan Tanpa Penalti

Others Financing

Used Car

Dapatkan pembiayaan mobil bekas dengan angsuran terjangkau dan bonus garansi 1 tahun dari OTOSPECTOR.

Others Financing

Heavy Equipment & Machinery

Kebutuhan pembiayaan dan pengadaan alat berat dan mesin industri

Others Financing

Mortgage Loan

Dapatkan pembiayaan KPR dengan bunga kompetitif, Semakin dekat dengan rumah impian.

Financing Process Steps

Get benefits through capital financing from BFI Finance

  • fill form

    1. Online Form

    Fill in the form and complete your personal data so that the loan can be approved

  • konfirmasi

    2. Confirmation

    After the data is completely filled in, you will be contacted by our Call Center

  • survey

    3. Survey

    BFI Finance will conduct a survey for the next process

  • funding

    4. Funding

    Loan funds will be disbursed to a registered account

Customer Success Story

“In 2014, I entrusted the vehicle collateral to BFI Finance to expand the fleet and increase capital.”

Deddy Setiawan

Transportation Services Entrepreneur

Inspirational Information and Promos for Your Financial Life

BFI has more than 200 service locations spread around Indonesia

Find BFI branches or outlets near you

The operational hours of all BFI branches:
Monday-Friday 08.00-17.00 WIB,
Saturday 08.00-12.00 WIB

Enjoy a fast loan process by completing all submission data