Mengapa Memilih Produk Syariah di BFI Finance

akad syariah

Akad Syariah

Transaksi sesuai dengan prinsip syariah

proses transparan

Proses Transparan

Terbukanya semua proses pengajuan dan biaya

tanpa denda

Tanpa Denda

Setiap pembiayaan tidak ada denda

#JauhLebihTenang With Sharia Financing

#SelaluAdaJalan to find various sharia financing solutions from buying used cars, educational expenses, purchasing merchandise, home renovations, venture capital, renting shophouses and others.

My Cars

Used car financing according to sharia principles by using a sale and purchase contract without wakalah.

My Faedah

Financing for the purchase of goods (multipurpose) with the guarantee of a Car BPKB, such as building materials, household goods, and other goods that have benefits for you.

My Hajat

Financing for multi-service needs with a car BPKB guarantee, such as financing for weddings, house rentals, shop rentals, franchise purchases, home renovations and others.

My BFI Share

Sharia Multipurpose Financing (Cash Fund) with a Car BPKB guarantee.

Financing Process Steps

Get many benefits through sharia financing from BFI Finance Syariah

Akad - Akad Syariah di BFI Finance

Akad Murabahah

Adalah jual beli suatu barang dengan menegaskan harga beli atau harga perolehan kepada pembeli dan pembeli membayar dengan harga lebih atau margin sebagai laba sesuai dengan kesepakatan para pihak.

Akad Ijarah

Adalah pemindahan hak guna (manfaat) atas suatu barang dalam jangka waktu tertentu dengan pembayaran sewa, tanpa diikuti dengan pemindahan kepemilikan barang itu sendiri.

Akad Al Bai'Wa Al Isti'jar

Adalah jual beli suatu asset yang kemudian pembeli menyewakan asset tersebut kepada penjual dimana pembeli berjanji untuk menghibahkan asset tersebut pada penjual di akhir masa sewa.

BFI Finance Sharia Financing Information

The requirements needed to apply for financing at BFI Finance Syariah


  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
  • Age 21-65 years (for ages 18 <21 years you can apply provided you are married & have income)
  • All professions except TNI, Ojol/Ojek Base and Professions that violate the law

Required Document

  • KTP Consumer & Spouse
  • Family card
  • BKR (PLN, PBB, Certificate, others)
  • Proof of Income & NPWP


Specifically for My Faedah, and My Hajat products, you must attach:

  • BPKB Car (Original BPKB, Original Invoice, FC KTP and Blank Receipt a.n BPKB)
  • STNK and Tax Notice
  • Unit Car Photo

The following is an installment scheme for submitting My Cars products with the type of car proposed by Toyota Grand New Veloz 15AT 2019

  24 Month 36 Month 48 Month 60 Bulan
Selling Price 207.000.000 207.000.000 207.000.000 207.000.000
Value DP* (10%) 49.500.000 49.500.000 49.500.000 49.500.000
Insurance 1.474.500 2.271.000 3.067.000 3.863.500
Fiducia 400.000 400.000 400.000 400.000
Admin Fee 6.000.000 6.000.000 6.000.000 6.000.000
Total DP 57.374.500 58.171.000 58.967.000 59.763.000
Installment /Month 8.029.600 5.857.800 4.788.900 4.160.800

Note: An example of the My Cars Syariah product financing installment scheme for the type of car listed may vary according to the domicile and region of application. To get the complete installment scheme, contact the BFI Finance Syariah branch or contact our WA center.

*The minimum DP value of 10% is taken from the purchase price of BFI Finance Syariah. DP can be adjusted when consumers make submissions.


Berikut ini adalah skema angsuran untuk pengajuan produk My Faedah dengan tipe mobil yang diajukan Toyota Grand New Veloz 15AT tahun 2019

  24 Month 36 Month 48 Month
Selling Price  207.000.000 207.000.000 207.000.000
DP* Value (10%) 49.500.000 49.500.000 49.500.000
Insurance 1.474.500 2.271.000 3.067.000
Fiducia 400.000 400.000 400.000
Admin Fee 6.000.000 6.000.000 6.000.000
Total DP 57.374.500 58.171.000 58.967.000
Installment /Month 8.029.600 5.857.800 4.788.900

Note: Examples of My Faedah Syariah product financing installment schemes for the type of car listed may vary according to domicile and region of application. To get the complete installment scheme, contact the BFI Finance Syariah branch or contact our WA center.

*The minimum DP value of 10% is taken from the purchase price of BFI Finance Syariah. DP can be adjusted when consumers make submissions.


The following is an installment scheme for submitting My Hajat products with the type of car proposed by the Toyota Grand New Veloz 15AT 2019

  24 Month 36 Month 48 Month
Selling Price 207.000.000 207.000.000 207.000.000
DP* Value (10%) 49.500.000 49.500.000 49.500.000
Insurance 1.474.500 2.271.000 3.067.000
Fiducia 400.000 400.000 400.000
Admin Fee 6.000.000 6.000.000 6.000.000
Total DP 57.374.500 58.171.000 58.967.000
Installment /Month 8.029.600 5.857.800 4.788.900

Note: Examples of My Hajat Syariah product financing installment schemes for the type of car listed may vary according to the domicile and region of application. To get the complete installment scheme, contact the BFI Finance Syariah branch or contact our WA center.

*The minimum DP value of 10% is taken from the purchase price of BFI Finance Syariah. DP can be adjusted when consumers make submissions.

Apply for sharia financing with BFI Finance Syariah

Frequently Asked Questions

We try to provide the best information possible, below are the most frequently asked questions regarding BFI Finance Syariah products

BFI Finance Sharia Business Unit or BFI Finance Syariah is a non-bank financial company/institution engaged in sharia used car financing, multipurpose and multiservices.

Generally the approval process takes 2-3 days, this is also influenced by the readiness of data from consumers and field conditions.

You can contact the Whatsapp center +62 881-0124-29245.

We will charge an Admin fee

Consumers cannot continue the financing process at BFI Finance Syariah

All financing products at BFI Finance Syariah are not subject to fines.

Personal & Spouse KTP (If Married), Family Card, Proof of Home Ownership, Proof of personal and spouse income, Permanent employee Min. 2th, NPWP

There is no confiscation, but the debtor must fulfill his responsibilities by selling the car/collateral to pay off his obligations

Promo dan Informasi Inspiratif untuk Kehidupan Finansial Anda

About Us

BFI Finance Syariah is a Sharia Business Unit (SBU) of PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk which officially received a business license from OJK on February 14 2018 to operate and market sharia financing products.

Sharia Unit Branch Office (SUBO)

Medan Jakarta Selatan Mojokerto Samarinda
Batam Bogor Surabaya Makassar
Palembang Bekasi Malang Gorontalo
Pekanbaru Karawang Gresik Kendari
Jambi Bandung Pontianak Sorong
Sunter Semarang Balikpapan
Tangerang Solo Banjarmasin