
Tips for Credit Business Success and Easy Ways to Get Capital!

Admin BFI
11 October 2022
Tips for Credit Business Success and Easy Ways to Get Capital!

The credit counter business is one of the most prospective businesses. Because the need for smartphones and their use is very closely related to our daily lives.

This makes smartphone users will constantly need credit, quota, and other supporting products.

Departing from this condition, of course, opening a credit counter business can be a business idea with lucrative profits for you.

Before starting, first, pay attention to the tips and estimation of business profits through the following information.


Tips for Success in BFI Finance's Credit Counter Business

Starting a credit counter business can be said to be easy and difficult. The reason is, this one business has many competitors, even in almost every corner of the existing location.

Therefore, so that your credit counter business is able to compete well and get a lot of benefits, make sure you follow the following tips.

1. Determine the Business Model

The credit counter business is a flexible type of business. Because to start this business can be started from small to large capital. It depends on what kind of business model you will apply.

For example, you only want to focus on selling credit and certain provider quotas. Well, the capital required certainly does not have to be a lot. In fact, if you don't want to bother, you can sell it without even renting a space! Enough with HP and intensive promotion by word of mouth or online.

It's different if you plan to sell credit offline. Of course, the capital that must be prepared is relatively more. The capital will be used to rent a place of business, banners or counter banners, display tables, cellphone accessories, starter packs, and others.

So, before starting a credit counter business, make sure you think about the business model first, okay?

2. Choose a Trusted Distributor

Choosing a trusted distributor is crucial thing in starting a credit counter business. Be sure to choose an electric pulse distributor who has a good track record, is reliable, and sells affordable credit prices. So, not only is it easy to sell it, you can also earn a hefty profit.

In addition to tips regarding distributor selection, you can collect several well-known distributors and then sort through the advantages and disadvantages of each.

3. Rent a Strategic Place

Starting a credit counter business can indeed be done anywhere, even from your home. It is also possible that you can sell it lying down or online.

Although it seems easy if you are planning to open a privately owned counter, be sure to choose a strategic place of business.

You can take the following points into consideration before renting a shophouse or choosing a place of business:

  1. Make sure the place you choose is located not far from the center of the crowd
  2. Lots of people walking around the location
  3. There is adequate parking
  4. Flood-free area and avoid places prone to theft

usaha konter pulsa

Image Source: Twitter/GrabKios

4. Sell at a Fair Price

Credit counters can be easily found anywhere. Well, one way that you can take to attract buyers is by selling them at a fair price or cheaper than competitors, around Rp. 500 - Rp. 1,000. This is where it is important to choose the right distributor for the sustainability of your business.

5. Sell HP Accessories and Other Needs

Selling credits and quotas may only make a small profit. Well, to get around this and reap a lot of profits from the credit counter business, you can also sell other smartphone needs.

For example, HP accessories such as charger cables, charger heads, tempered glass, and smartphone cases with a variety of choices, to selling the latest cellphones if possible.

Look for a trusted HP accessories distributor and sell a variety of products at cheap wholesale prices. After that, you can provide HP accessories with 3 different qualities. Namely good quality, medium, and cheap quality. So, later on, customers can choose according to their wishes.

6. Diligent Promotion

It seems impossible for a business to run smoothly without promotion. In this digital era, you can promote in various ways. Ranging from paid to promotions that are free.

For example, you can create social media accounts for your credit counter. After that, you can start selling by posting your sales or doing soft selling so that more audiences follow your account.

In addition, you can also join other sellers to sell on the marketplace. Don't forget to embed photos of the products you sell, opening hours, product descriptions, and so on.

Other strategies that you can try to promote your credit counter business, namely by utilizing promotional strategies such as word of mouth and endorsements.

Now, for offline promotions that aim to attract the surrounding community, you can install banners, lights, and other supporting accessories to make it look like a pulse counter in general.

7. Avoid Consumers Who Want to Be in Debt

The monthly turnover obtained from opening a credit counter business is indeed tempting. However, don't let your guard down and let other people owe you. Especially if the business capital you have is quite limited.

Think about it carefully, if there are people who owe Rp. 5,000 credit continuously, it is not impossible that your monthly profit will decrease and then you will lose.

Therefore, never allow anyone to go into debt, including the closest people so that the existing income can be rotated to develop your business.

If later you are forced to give credit debt, never hesitate to collect the receivables that are your rights.

8. Friendly Service

Good service quality is one of the keys to the credit counter business that you run so that you can continue to survive and get more customers.

The reason is, there is no one who does not like to be treated well and greeted in a friendly manner. When customers are satisfied with the prices and services you provide, it is not impossible that later they will become regular customers.

So, make sure to always be friendly when serving buyers.

9. Be patient and consistent

Patience and consistency, these two things are almost inseparable in achieving business success, especially in the credit counter business.

Although the benefits obtained from selling pulses and cellphone accessories are not many. However, if the business is carried out in earnest, it is not impossible that your business can become big or even open a new branch.

Always remember, if something that bears sweet fruit always begins with hard work without feeling tired and never giving up.

Capital and Estimated Profit of Credit Counter Business

All the credit counter business tips you need to know have been explained. Next, let's discuss the business capital needed. How much is the capital? Check out the details below!

Initial Capital for Credit Counter Business
Initial capital
No Detail QTY Price Total
1. Business Place Rent Per Year 1 Rp6.500.000 Rp6.500.000
2. Storefront Table 1 Rp1.400.000 Rp1.400.000
3. Plastic chair 4 Rp22.500 Rp90.000
4. All Operator Credit Balance - Rp2.500.000 Rp2.500.000
5. Business Place Decoration - Rp500.000 Rp500.000
6. Banner 3X1 1 Rp52.300 Rp52.300
7. Smartphone Accessories - Rp1.000.000 Rp1.000.000
Total Rp12.042.300

The details of the capital above are indeed quite large. However, it is possible that you can also start this business with a smaller capital. The calculation above is intended for anyone who wants to start a business offline and is located in a strategic place.

How to Get Business Capital at BFI Finance

Interested in starting a credit counter business? BFI Finance provides capital loans with fast and easy disbursement of funds for your business needs!

You don't need to worry because BFI Finance has been verified by the OJK. Definitely safe and smooth! To apply for a loan that can be tailored to your needs, you can access it via the link below.

Submission Information BPKB Motor Guarantee Loan

Loan funds with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 18 months.

Submission Information Car BPKB Guarantee Loan

Disbursement of funds up to 85% of the value of the vehicle and a tenor of up to 3 years.

Submission Information Home Certificate Guarantee Loan

Low interest starts from 0.9% with a long tenor of up to 48 months.

What are you waiting for? Come on, apply for a business capital loan at BFI Finance and make your dream of owning your own business come true!

Get interesting information about finance, business, loans, and more on the BFI Blog. See you again in our next article. Business greetings!

There is always a way with BFI Finance.

Kategori : Bisnis