Informasi Umum

Terms and Conditions for Renewing Driving License Online 2023

Admin BFI
27 July 2022
Terms and Conditions for Renewing Driving License Online 2023

Renewal of SIM (Driving License) is very easy to do. The good news is that you can renew your driving license online!

In accordance with the provisions stipulated in article 281 of the Traffic Law regarding the number of fines and traffic violations, a driving license (SIM) must be owned by all motorists in Indonesia.

Anyone who does not have a driving license will be subject to a maximum fine of IDR 1,000,000 and maximum imprisonment of four months.

The validity period of the driving license lasts for 5 years, after which every vehicle owner is required to renew the driving license. This obligation is regulated in the Decree of the National Police Chief No. 09/2012 Article 28 paragraph 3 regarding driving license extension.

What are the driving license renewal requirements? Let's look at the following steps.


Requirements for Extending Driver's License

driving license extension can be done in person (coming to the location) or online (through the application). The conditions for renewing your driving license that you must fulfill include the following.

Conditions for Extending Conventional Driving License

Before you go to the driving license renewal location, there are some requirements that you must prepare. The following are the requirements that you must fulfill to extend driving license A, driving license C, or driving license D.

1. Prepare your old driving license

2. 2 copies of the old driving license (Original driving license)

3. 2 copies of KTP. For foreigners, the ID card requirements can be replaced with document attachments from the immigration authorities

4. The results of a health check (RIKKES) or a health certificate from a health center or doctor

5. Proof of passing the psychological test

6. Proof of driving license renewal payment from Bank BRI

7. Completed driving license renewal form (This form is obtained at the time of registration, whether it comes to the location or online)

Online Driving License Renewal Terms

As with the conventional driving license renewal requirements, the following are the requirements that you must meet before you can renew your driving license online. Valid for driving license A, driving license C, or driving license D.

1. Old Driving License Scan Results

2. ID card scan results

3. Scan Results of Health Letters

4. Scan Results of Passing Psychology Test Letters

5. Past Blue Background Photo (Not Selfie Photo)

6. Scan Results or Photo Signatures on Plain White Paper

Driving License Renewal Methods and Procedures

After you have completed all the requirements for renewing the driving license, you can then follow the methods and procedures below.

Syarat Perpanjang SIM

Image Source: Unsplash/mansour ehsani

1. Mobile Driving License

A mobile driving license is a driving license renewal service provided by the Indonesian National Police. This service can be found in various regions. Keep in mind, that the Mobile driving license service only serves driving license renewal, and cannot apply for a driving license.

Terms and Conditions for Extending a driving license on a Mobile driving license:

1. Fill out the registration form according to your personal data, so that it is faster to bring your own writing utensils.

2. After the form is completed, then submit the existing form to the officer.

3. Next, you will be asked to wait in line until your name is called by the officer.

4. When called, you will be directed to get into the service car for a new driving license photo session.

5. After the photo is complete, you are asked to wait a while until the new driving license is ready.

6. Finally, the officer will call you when the driving license is ready.

In addition, the Mobile driving license service does not provide photocopying. Therefore, make sure you have prepared the necessary documents before visiting a Mobile driving license.

2. Mobile Driving License Service Location

If you live in Jakarta, Bandung, and Bekasi, you can visit the Mobile driving license service at the following location points.


Reported from the POLDA Metro Jaya Instagram account (@tmcpoldametro), here are some mobile driving license  locations in Jakarta:

  • Jakarta Timur: Mall Grand Cakung

  • Jakarta Selatan: Kampus Trilogi Kalibata

  • Jakarta Barat: LTC Glodok & Mall Citraland

  • Jakarta Pusat: Kantor Pos Lapangan Banteng

The mobile driving license operates on working hours at 08.00-14.00 WIB

Bandung, Jawa Barat

  • ITC Kebon Kalapa

  • BTC Fashionmall


  • Mega Bekasi Hypermall, Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani nomor 1

3. Driving License booth

Driving license outlets are almost similar to Mobile driving license services. The difference is, that driving license outlets are not in the form of a car and are usually located in crowded locations. For example, in shopping centers, malls, campuses, or certain places that are holding an event.

As with the conditions for extending the driving license at the Mobile driving license service, here are the steps for extending the driving license at the driving license Outlet.

1. Bring a driving license card to be extended

2. Show the driving license card to the officer at the driving license Outlet

3. Fill out the form provided, after completing the existing form you can submit it to the space provided

4. Next you will be called for an eye test for Rp. 55,000

5. After the eye test is done, you will be directed to the next stage, which is the photo session

4. Nearest Police Station

Apart from Mobile driving license and driving license Outlet services, you can also extend your driving license directly to the nearest police station. The method is quite easy. First, you go to the registration counter and state your purpose for renewing your driving license.

Second, fill in the registration form and attach the required documents as a condition for renewing the driving license. After that, you will be directed to do an identification check. This checking process includes signatures, photos, and fingerprints. Next, you will be asked to wait a while until the driving license renewal is complete.

Tip: Try to arrive early so you don't have to wait in long lines.

5. Online

As of 2022, driving license renewal can be done online and faster. No need to bother waiting in line! You can immediately take care of the driving license renewal requirements through the official application from the POLRI Digital Korlantas.

Quoted from the official Digital Korlantas POLRI website, here's how to extend a driving license through the application.

1. Prepare the required documents

2. Download the app on Playstore or App Store

3. Register by filling in your cellphone number, soon you will get an OTP code. Make sure not to spread the code.

4. Enter the OTP Code you got in the app

5. Complete your profile by filling in your NIK, Name, and Email. Then you will get a verification email

6. Next, verify your ID card by taking a liveness photo

7. Take a physical health test at and a psychological test at Both websites can be accessed via your mobile browser.

8. After completing a series of existing tests, you can then apply for driving license renewal by clicking on the driving license Menu and selecting driving license renewal

9. Upload the required documents for driving license renewal

10. Select the publisher's SATPAS

11. Enter the return account number for a refund if the application for driving license renewal is rejected by the SATPAS because the submission documents do not meet the requirements

12. Select the shipping method/pick-up method. If you choose the shipping method POS Indonesia, please enter the shipping address

13. Choose a payment method, don't forget to click View Account Number, and make a payment with a BNI virtual account.

14. Check your transaction status periodically in the transaction menu

15. If the driving license has been received, fill in the customer satisfaction index

16. The driving license renewal transaction is complete and the new driving license will be digitized once you click the renew button. 

Driving License Renewal Fee

The tariff that must be paid for the renewal of the driving license has been regulated in PP No. 60 of 2016 concerning Non-Tax State Revenue. The amount of the renewal fee for each driving license is different. Check out the full details below.

A Driving License Renewal Rates

  • Renewal fee IDR 80,000

  • Health check IDR 25,000

  • Insurance IDR 50,000

  • Psychological Test Rp60.000

So, the total cost to extend driving license A is IDR 215,000

C Driving License​​​ ​​Renewal Rates

  • Driving license C Renewal Fee Rp75,000

  • Health Checkup IDR 25,000

  • Insurance IDR 50,000

  • Psychological Test Rp60.000

So, the total cost to extend driving license C is IDR 210,000

Unused Vehicles Can Be a Source of Capital!

Have an unused vehicle at home? Just make a loan guarantee at BFI Finance!

The process is safe, easy, and has been verified by OJK (Financial Services Authority). You can apply for a loan for business capital, education costs, and others. Find out the full details below.

Car BPKB Guarantee

Disbursement of funds up to 85% of the value of the vehicle and a tenor of up to 3 years.

BPKB Motor Guarantee

Loan funds with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 18 months.

Home Certificate Guarantee

Low interest starts from 0.9% with a long tenor of up to 48 months.

Further questions you can access through the following page.

BFI friends, that's the discussion about how and the terms and conditions for extending the latest online driving license in 2023. Hopefully, it can be a solution for those of you who want to extend your driving license. Check articles and other useful information on BFI Blog.

Kategori : Informasi Umum