
BFI Finance Once Again Wins Awards from IICD

2019-10-14 00:00:00 5947

Jakarta, October 14, 2019 - Towards the end of 2019, BFI Finance proves itself by winning achievements in various sectors and awards from reputable national institutions in Indonesia. This time, the Company achieves the “Top 50 Big Capitalization Public-Listed Company” from  Indonesian Institute of Corporate Directorship (IICD) or the 50 Go-Public Companies with Big Capitalization with the Best Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Practices. The Company also earns a special trophy for the “Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders.”

Both awards were endowed at “The 11th IICD Corporate Governance and Award” on Monday, October 14, 2019, at Pullman Hotel, Thamrin, Central Jakarta. The awards were received by Johanes Sutrisno, Independent Commissioner, to represent BFI Finance’s Board of Commissioners.

IICD has awarded 46 issuers listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) with the best GCG practices consist of 24 big-cap and 22 mid-cap issuers. The assessment was conducted by IICD supported by ten assessors and reviewers with high competency and experience in ASEAN CG Scorecard. The assessment instruments involve, among others, the rights of shareholders, equitable treatment for shareholders, roles of stakeholders, disclosures and transparencies, as well as responsibilities of the company’s boards.

Johanes Sutrisno, Independent Commissioner, received the award on behalf of the Company’s Board of Commissioners

BFI Finance is selected as one of the “Top 50 Big Capitalization Public-Listed Companies”

BFI Finance also wins a special trophy for the “Best Equitable Treatment of Shareholders”

Event scenery of The 11th IICD Corporate Governance and Award at Pullman Hotel, Jakarta
