Berita CSR

BFI Finance Distributes 1,000 Pairs of Shoes to Students in Papua Island

2024-05-16 00:00:00 1425

Jayapura, May 16, 2024 - PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) once more held the ‘Gerakan 1000 untuk Anak Bangsa’ (the 1000 Movement), which was aimed for elementary school students and carried out by distributing a thousand pairs of shoes and socks and also hundreds of books for libraries. The educational aid was handed out to seven elementary schools (SD) in Papua Island, namely SD Inpres Doyo Lama Jayapura, SDN Sabron Samon Jayapura, SDN Inpres Biha Nabire, MI Miftahul Huda Manokwari, SDN Tunas Aska Manokwari, SD Inpres 60 in Sorong Regency, and SD YPPK ST. Tarsisius Biankuk Merauke.

A symbolic handover event took place at SD Inpres Doyo Lama in Jayapura City on Thursday (5/16/2024), which was attended by representatives of local Education Agency, community leaders, accompanying teachers, and students of SD Inpres Doyo Lama and SDN Sabron Jayapura.

In addition to the event, 5th grade and 6th grade students of SD Inpres Doyo Lama Jayapura also received financial education on financing company, which was presented in the form of storytelling for children on Wednesday (5/15/2024).

BFI Finance continues to grow and develop because of given supports and trust from surrounding communities. The 1000 Movement has been held since 2015 in numerous regions in Indonesia, included among others Batam, Pekanbaru, Lombok Utara, Kupang, Maumere, Gowa, Sukabumi and Sintang, Lumajang and Balaraja (Tangerang), and a number of locations in Maluku Islands.

The event is attended by representatives of local Education Agency, community leaders, and accompanying teachers

The financial education session is presented by Marsi Noya (BFI Finance’s Area Manager of Manampa branch office)
