
Get to Know Warung Madura and Strategies for Managing It

Admin BFI
19 July 2024
Get to Know Warung Madura and Strategies for Managing It

Warung Madura is one of the grocery stores that is increasingly mushrooming in almost all regions of Indonesia. Usually, this business is run by the family and passed down from generation to generation.

Warung Madura has its own characteristics and strategies in marketing all the products they sell. Interestingly, this shop is never empty of customers, in fact it is always busy every day.

So, for those of you who want to understand more about the Madura food stall business, you can read the following review.



1. What is Warung Madura?

Warung Madura is not just a label that this business belongs to people from Madura. However, this term has become an icon or characteristic of the shop. Namely, open 24 hours, selling retail gasoline and various basic necessities in full.

If you want to know more about the definition of warung Madura, the reasons for the name and interesting facts, let's continue reading below.

1.1 Definition of Warung Madura

Warung Madura is known as a one-stop grocery store. You can find various kinds of products, such as daily basic necessities, basic necessities, various snacks, retail petrol to credit and electricity tokens.

As the name suggests, most of the owners of this stall come from Madura and have passed it down from generation to generation. Usually, the stall will be guarded in turn by relatives and employees.

1.2 Why is it called Warung Madura?

As previously explained, the name of the Madura stall comes from the owner himself, who mostly comes from Madura. Apart from that, this stall is famous for its complete stall contents and operates 24 hours.

The history of Warung Madura begins with a migrant from Sumenep who successfully ran his grocery business in a large shop. News of this success immediately spread to his hometown, making people close to him interested in opening a similar business.

In addition, the nomadic spirit inherent in Madurese people also encouraged the intention and determination to open a grocery store which is now known as Warung Madura.

The development of the Madura stall business is quite rapid from day to day because this stall has its own characteristics which are useful for helping the local community. One of them is that the prices of the products offered tend to be cheaper and they are open 24 hours every day.

1.3 Unique Facts about Warung Madura

After knowing the meaning and reason for the name behind Warung Madura, it turns out that this one-stop grocery store has a number of interesting unique facts, namely:

1.3.1 The Stall Keeper is a Husband and Wife Couple

In almost all Madura food stalls, the guards are husband and wife. The thing is, this shop rarely recruits employees like other grocery stores.

Usually, the wife will be on guard from morning until evening. Then continued from afternoon until early morning by her husband.

1.3.2 The stall keeper often makes telephone or video calls

No need to be surprised if when you visit the shop, you will see the guard on the phone or video call. Usually, they are chatting with family in the village or friends.

In fact, the reason for frequent telephone calls or video calls is so that they don't get sleepy while they are on guard at the shop, because they will be on guard all night, so they have to anticipate drowsiness to avoid various crimes that could occur.

1.3.3 Available Pertamini or Retail Gasoline

Not only famous as a seller of basic necessities, aka basic necessities, Madura stalls often also provide retail petrol and petrol. So, every time they want to fill up with petrol, many people come to this stall and choose one of the fuels they sell.

1.3.4 Male stall owners are accustomed to wearing sarongs

Another unique fact is that most male stall owners often wear sarongs when serving customers. Generally, they are around 26 to 55 years old. They are also seen often sleeping on the mats in the stall during the day so they can take turns guarding the stall from night to early morning.


2. Warung Madura Business Strategy

If you are interested in managing a Madura food stall business, there are several strategies you can follow, namely:

2.1 Provide the Cheapest Price

The first strategy for starting a Madura stall business is to provide the cheapest prices compared to supermarkets, minimarkets and other grocery stores. Before determining the price, do a market survey first so that the price you list still provides a profit.

With low prices, it is usually easy to attract potential consumers and make them customers, you know.

2.2 Open 24 Hours

Warung Madura has the characteristic of being open 24 hours non-stop, so this is an important strategy that you must do. The aim of the shop being open 24 hours a day is to make it easier for people when they want to buy urgent goods, especially at night.

Through stalls that are open 24 hours, people are helped and have no difficulty finding the goods they need. Of course, you can take turns guarding the stall with your wife, husband, relatives or relatives. For example, someone is in charge of guarding the stall from morning to evening, then changes duty from afternoon to early morning.

2.3 Provide All Basic Needs

Apart from being known for being open 24 hours without holidays, Warung Madura is also famous for providing a variety of basic daily necessities. This strategy will help you find lots of customers, so that the shop is always busy every day.

Make sure to provide a variety of basic needs, such as basic necessities, kitchen and bathroom needs, snacks or children's snacks, cigarettes, gallons of water, various drinks, credit and electricity tokens and even retail petrol.

If the contents of the shop look complete according to people's needs, then you don't need to worry about income, because every day buyers will come without decreasing, in fact it will increase if the service continues to improve.

2.4 Maintain Good Relations with Suppliers

The next Madura stall business strategy is to maintain good relationships with suppliers or suppliers of goods. The goal is so that you can get the best prices for goods and compete with other stores.

Through the best prices provided by suppliers, you will reap higher profits later. Apart from that, the products you sell are always complete because every time stock runs low, the supplier will immediately send the products you need to the shop.

2.5 Strategic Location

Another strategy for starting a Madurese stall business that you need to pay attention to is choosing a location. Make sure you find a suitable strategic location to build a convenience store.

Generally, the right location for this stall is in the middle of a residential area where the population is quite dense. Apart from that, you can also look for locations on the side of the road that are busy with people.

If you have found the right strategic location, just start building the Madura stall, OK? Start writing down what products or basic necessities you will sell. Make sure you choose a trusted supplier so you can send the products you need regularly.

2.6 Do not Charge Parking Fees

When opening this business, make sure you avoid charging parking for every customer who comes. This is done so that consumers feel comfortable and save money when shopping.

With these conditions, they can buy all the products they need, without any other costs. As a result, buyers are happy, as are the shop owners themselves.

2.7 You must not be arrogant

Sometimes many people feel proud when starting a grocery store business. In fact, this business has promising opportunities and is capable of reaping large profits.

However, the word 'prestige' does not apply to Madurese people because they are hardworking people and have a high work ethic. Madurese people always focus on the results achieved from business so that, on average, Madurese stall owners are always successful and achieve the dreams they want.

So, if you are interested in running this business, make sure you don't be too proud when you start it, okay? Just focus on business results, not on business appearance or social status. The important thing is that you can reap profits and make your stall business better known to the local community.

2.8 Offer Delivery Services

In order to keep up with the times, the Madura stall that you manage can offer delivery services to all customers. Not only deliveries to local communities, you can open this grocery store in the marketplace so you can provide delivery services throughout Indonesia.

With delivery services, your shop will find it easier to find customers. In fact, more than just buyers came directly to the stall.

Make good use of this opportunity to get a large turnover so that the stall will be more successful and complete in the future.

2.9 Open to Customer Criticism and Suggestions

Madurese people tend to respect and appreciate their customers. So, if you open this shop, make sure to accept all criticism and suggestions from buyers, OK?

Constructive criticism and suggestions will have a positive impact on business development. Manage well every criticism and suggestion that comes in, then apply it in daily service.

In the future, customers will be more comfortable shopping at your shop because it has extraordinary service.


3. Tips for Managing a Warung Madura

Apart from knowing the strategies you need to learn, Madurese stall owners must know several effective tips so that the stall is always busy with buyers, namely:

3.1 Maintain Customer Trust

The first tip for managing a Madura stall is to always maintain customer trust. It is important for you to follow these tips considering that grocery stores like this have mushroomed everywhere. If you can't make customers satisfied and comfortable while shopping, customers will give up shopping at your shop.

If that's the case, they will switch shopping to other stalls nearby. Meanwhile, if you are able to make customers satisfied shopping, they will usually come back to your store.

3.2 Entrepreneurial Mentality

When you decide to start a business, make sure you have a lot of patience because there will definitely be many competitors working in the same field. Especially if you start a Madurese stall business from scratch in a big city.

A strong entrepreneurial mentality is needed in this business, especially patience and perseverance, because growing a shop from scratch requires a slow process. Sometimes, there are a lot of buyers visiting, but at other times it feels quiet with only around 2-3 people. In fact, the shop was open from morning until early morning.

Apart from that, as a shop owner you must be diligent in serving buyers, tidying up stock, observing products that have the potential to sell and recording sales results.

If you see other people's Madurese stalls looking busy, you shouldn't feel jealous. However, learn what went wrong with the business and look for the right solution so that your shop can be as busy as theirs.

So, patience in managing a Madura stall will make you survive various kinds of business problems. Meanwhile, persistence will make your business grow and be better than before.

3.3 Good Stock Management

Stock management is important for business owners to know so that the shop atmosphere always looks attractive to consumers. You can arrange products according to type, for example milk products are placed with other milk products until bottled drinks are placed parallel to the same product.

Place food products on the top or middle shelves, while basic food products on the bottom. Arranging stock like this will make it easier for customers to find the products they want to buy.

Apart from organizing according to product type, you can organize products according to expiration date. For example, you can place products that are quickly or will soon expire on the front and top shelves. Then, you can store products that have expired or are still old, so you can store them at the back.

3.4 Orderly Record Sales and Purchases of Goods

So that your Madura shop is more successful, don't forget to always record the money that comes in due to sales and the money that goes out for regular purchases of goods. Also note other costs, such as transportation costs, electricity and water.

Of course, orderly recording sales and purchases of goods will provide benefits. Starting from knowing the price comparison of the goods you buy, knowing the amount of profit and loss, and knowing the turnover value each period.

3.5 Look for Reliable Employees

Even though most Madura stalls are managed by husband and wife couples, large shops usually need employees to keep daily shop operations running smoothly. Most of these stall owners will employ other people from Madura as employees.

Make sure the employee you choose is reliable in looking after the shop and can be responsible for their work. You can use two employees who work alternately. For example, employee X works from 6 am to 6 pm, while employee X works from 6 pm to 6 am.

Provide an effective division of work for each employee because each of them has their own duties. Such as cleaning the store, recording sales, arranging goods on shelves and others.

3.6 Keep the stall clean

When visiting a stall, you will definitely be more comfortable and happy to visit a stall that has a neat and clean appearance, right?

Therefore, make sure the shop you manage is always neat and clean. Serve buyers in a friendly manner so that customers feel comfortable and shop again at your store.

3.7 Join the Entrepreneur Community

The final tip for managing other Madurese stalls is to join a community consisting of entrepreneurs. The aim is to increase relationships and find out knowledge about entrepreneurship so that you can become a successful entrepreneur.

So, that's information about strategies and tips for managing Madura stalls that you should know. As a Madurese who wants to run this business, you don't need to hesitate and think about it for too long, okay? Just start now and apply the strategies and tips explained above well.


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