Gaya Hidup

Learn Easier and Effectively With the Pomodoro Technique, Here's How

Admin BFI
26 September 2022
Learn Easier and Effectively With the Pomodoro Technique, Here's How

Are you one of those people who find it difficult to focus on something? Or do you always feel overwhelmed in managing your study and work time?

If so, the Pomodoro technique could be one of the exits you've been looking for!

The Pomodoro technique is one of the practical methods that you can use to make your time more efficient. To implement it is very simple, all you need is a timer and a series of activities or tasks that you want to complete immediately.

Sobat BFI, let's get to know this learning technique more closely. Read more in the following article!


Overview of the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a learning technique that focuses on time management. This learning technique was discovered by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.

The word 'Pomodoro' itself comes from the Italian language which means 'tomato'. Cirillo named this method the tomato because when he was a student, he studied accompanied by a tomato-shaped kitchen timer. He always uses the timer as a study timer. Because Cirillo felt that his learning technique was considered effective and efficient, he finally named his learning technique 'Pomodoro.'

Currently, the Pomodoro technique is widely used by the general public ranging from students to workers to remain disciplined in getting things done and can stay focused when doing it.

In short, the Pomodoro technique is a technique of focusing the mind at certain time intervals and is calculated using a timer. For example, you need to study for about 20-25 minutes, after that time you are required to take a break for 5 minutes. Well, you will do this technique 4X in a row. In essence, the break time you spend is not more than study time.

Easy Ways to Apply Podomoro Technique

From the previous explanation, of course, you have already imagined in your mind what the Pomodoro technique is. Next, let's understand how to apply this technique to make what you learn easier to understand.

teknik pomodoro

Image Source: Pexels/Lil Artsy

1. Prepare the material to be studied or things that need to be completed

The first thing you need to do is make a list of what you are going to study or what you are going to do. To make it you can write down the list on a piece of paper or an application on your smartphone.

2. Set a Study Time and Commit to Staying Focused

In its application, the technique does not require many tools except a timer. You can use a digital timer that is on your devices such as a smartphone or laptop. If you're concerned that they can become a distraction, you can use a different timer, such as the one on your watch.

Next is to determine your study time. Everyone has a different focus time but generally, the Pomodoro technique is applied for 25 minutes with a break of 5 minutes. If the time is too long or too short, you can adjust it according to the timeframe that you feel is ideal. Most importantly, the break time for rest is not more than study time.

3. Take Appropriate Rest and Do Interesting Activities

As mentioned earlier, in the Pomodoro technique there is a rest period that normally lasts 5 minutes. So, when the study timer sounds, for 5 minutes you can do any interesting activity you like. Don't forget to also turn on the timer during this activity so you don't forget to go back to studying.

Some interesting activities that you can do for a span of 5 minutes are chatting with the closest people, listening to music, and so on.

4. Do the Above Activities Four Times

The last way is to repeat all the above activities four times. Well, when you've done it four times, then you can take a longer break of about 15-30 minutes. You can use this time to eat, watch your favorite video, or take a nap. Remember, make sure not to forget to turn on the timer.

Why is the Pomodoro Technique Considered Effective To Apply?

Freelance writer Kat Boogard recounts her experience using the Pomodoro method while she was still working at The Muse.

At first, Kat was quite skeptical of tips and tricks to increase focus and work productivity. For him, the most powerful way to get work done effectively is by making a to-do list and trying hard to complete the existing list.

One day Kat became interested in the Pomodoro technique and tried it. After trying it, Kat thought that this technique was different from the others. According to him, this technique focuses more on the best use of time.

Because for Kat, this time-focused technique provides a stimulus or race in the form of 'pressure' due to time constraints in getting things done. So that anyone who applies it will be more able to focus and effectively utilize the time he has. For example, complete a task in 25 minutes.

Kat also said that the Pomodoro technique can make her fitter. This is because every 25 minutes he has time to get off his computer and this also makes him not just sit all day.

Not only talking about the advantages, Kat also explained the disadvantages of the Pomodoro technique. According to him, this technique is not suitable to be applied during a meeting where it is impossible to ask permission in the middle of a meeting to just rest for 5 minutes.

From the story above, we can conclude that the Pomodoro technique has several benefits, including:

1. Increase Motivation

2. Help Reach the Target

3. Avoid Multitasking

4. Optimizing Existing Time

5. Minimize the occurrence of distractions

Recommended Free Applications for the Application of the Pomodoro Technique

To make your study and work easier to track and to familiarize yourself with new learning techniques, the following free support applications can be downloaded for free.

teknik pomodoro

1. Focus To-Do: Pomodoro & Tasks

Available on Play Store dan App Store

2. Forest: Focus for Productivity

Available on Play Store

3. Pomodoro Timer

Available on Play Store

4. Pomodoro Timer Lite

Available on Play Store

5. Minimalist Pomodoro Timer - Go

Available on Play Store


Sobat BFI, that's the explanation about Learning Easier and More Effective With the Pomodoro Technique, Here's How. This technique has been widely used and proven effective, you can immediately try it at home or other places. With the application of this method, it is hoped that you can avoid multitasking and motivate yourself to always be enthusiastic about getting things done.

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Kategori : Gaya Hidup