
Ways to Use Fast Loans for Business Promotion Activities

Admin BFI
4 November 2022
Ways to Use Fast Loans for Business Promotion Activities

There are many factors that determine success in starting a business. One of them is by doing promotions.

There are various forms of business promotion. Ranging from cheap to expensive. A successful promotional strategy will certainly give you a series of benefits such as the opportunity to expand connections, and gain more profit through new customers or clients.

Fast liquid loans can be a source of capital to launch a promotional strategy and make your dreams come true.

Well, for those of you who are curious about how to manage fast liquid loans for promotional activities, you can try some of the following tips and tricks!


6 Types of Promotional Activities

Before carrying out promotional activities, of course, there are a series of things that you need to pay attention to. Among other things, namely choosing what type of promotional activity you will do later.

Make sure to choose the type of promotion that fits your budget for a quick liquid loan and matches the output you expect.

1. Seasonal Marketing

Seasonal marketing is a term for promotional activities carried out by taking advantage of certain moments. For example, the holiday season, holidays, and so on. Promotional activities carried out can vary, adjusted to the moment that existed at that time. For example, making a 17% discount in August, which was the moment to celebrate Indonesia's independence day.

Another example is carrying out promotional activities using different packaging, launching new promos, buying one get one, and so on.

Well, you can take advantage of this promotional strategy. Especially if you have just started a business and want your brand to be known by many people.

The tips are, you have to be observant to see the big moments or days in Indonesia that can be used as the right time to do business. In addition, you can also learn how your competitors carry out promotional activities at certain times.

In between these seasonal promotions, be creative and as unique as possible so that your customers don't get bored quickly. Maximize the fast liquid loans you have by offering something new every 2-3 months; For example, changes to the product or packaging.

2. Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing is one of the promotional strategies that has existed for a long time and is still widely used today.

You can do this promotion strategy by doing promotions in print media such as newspapers or newspapers, magazines, television stations, and radio.

Although fairly traditional, this method of promotion is considered effective enough to promote products and services, as well as increase brand awareness of your business. However, the costs needed to run this promotion are relatively expensive.

3. Endorsement

Some of us may be familiar with the word endorsement. Especially, if you are quite active using social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and the like.

Endorsement is one type of promotional activity carried out on social media by collaborating with well-known influencers or public figures.

This strategy is quite promising because many people really believe in their favorite influencer and not infrequently, they will also follow whatever the influencer is doing.

For example, an influencer buys product A and gives a positive review of the product. So, it is likely that his loyal followers will do the same.

Well, if you are interested in taking advantage of the fast liquid loans that you have to launch this strategy, make sure you choose influencers who have a persona that aligns with the products or services you offer.

4. Digital Marketing

Like endorsements, you can also use social media as a promotional field with the help of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is a promotional strategy by utilizing the advertising features available on online platforms such as social media and Google.

This method is considered quite effective and pocket-friendly. Because you can easily determine who your target market is and how much budget you will spend on promotion.

5. Personal Selling

Personal selling is a promotional strategy in which the sale of products and services is carried out directly by the business owner.

This strategy is widely applied by business actors because it is considered quite effective in attracting new customers. This can happen because the business owner really understands the advantages of the product being sold. As a result, people will be easier to trust and interested in buying.

6. Publicity

The last is the promotion strategy in the form of publicity. This strategy is done by creating publicity such as holding press conferences, training, webinars, and various other activities that involve many people or the target market you want to target.

If you are interested, you can use the fast liquid loan that you have obtained to implement a publicity promotion strategy so that it can run well and according to plan.

How to Do Promotions With A Limited Budget

In planning a promotional strategy, usually, the amount of funds spent is large enough so that your business promotion strategy can run optimally.

This is quite confusing for those of you who have just started a business. The reason is, the profit obtained is not yet large so that it has not been able to launch a large-scale promotional strategy.

Don't worry, you can still carry out promotional activities with a limited budget from the fast liquid loans you have. Check out the following tips!

Pinjaman Cepat Cair

Image Source: Pexels/Liza Summer

1. Build Personal Branding

Personal branding is a strategy that sets your business apart from competitors. The good news, this strategy can be done for free.

For example, creating content about the products or services you offer, or promoting directly to your family and relatives.

2. Maximizing the Use of Social Media

In this digital era, social media can be the right promotion tool to reach many people. By utilizing social media, you can arrange a schedule to advertise your products or services, as well as interact with followers on your social media accounts. You can also take advantage of a paid promotion or paid ads services to reach more customers.

3. Leverage the Sales and Content Creation Platform

If your business has an official website, you can maximize the site to reach more customers. That is, by understanding their behavior and creating interesting content.

In content creation, you can also take advantage of online sales or e-commerce platforms to market your products. Usually, well-known e-commerce platforms have provided procedures so that you can market and develop your business more optimally.

Later, the fast liquid loans that you have can be properly maximized for other purposes such as packaging packages and so on.

Utilizing Fast Liquid Loans for Promotional Activities

One of the obstacles that hinder the development of your business is the lack of funds or capital. Of course, all these promotional activities require no small amount of funds.

Indeed, there is no guarantee that large funds will guarantee the success of your business activities, including promotional activities.

However, without sufficient funds, promotional activities that you have prepared carefully are at risk of being stopped in the middle of the road. Of course, it would be a shame if this happened, right?

Before you carry out any promotional activities, make sure that you have sufficient funds to carry out your strategy.

You can take advantage of BFI Finance's liquid fast loan to get a number of funds that suit your business needs. Simply by pledging a vehicle BPKB or house certificate, you can get the funds needed to support your business needs or urgent money loans.

Find out more information about loans at the following link.

Loan Information Car BPKB Guarantee

Disbursement of funds up to 85% of the value of the vehicle and a tenor of up to 4 years.

Loan Information BPKB Motor Guarantee

Loan funds with a fast process and a maximum tenor of up to 24 months.

Loan Information Home Certificate Guarantee

Low interest starts from 0.9% with a long tenor of up to 7 years.

Sobat BFI, as a businessman you must be observant in seeing opportunities, including launching promotional strategies at the right time. By taking advantage of the right moment, as well as being careful in managing the loans obtained, the benefits you get can be maximized!

Check articles and other interesting information on the BFI Blog.

Kategori : Pinjaman