
BFI Finance Successfully Maintains Its Title as The Best Company for 15 Years Consecutively

2024-07-26 00:00:00 1518

Jakarta, July 26, 2024 – PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) once again imprinted another achievement successfully, bringing home two awards from the 20th Infobank Multifinance Award 2024, which were received in Jakarta (7/26/2024). The company gained two prestigious titles, namely “The Best Performance Multifinance Company in 15 Consecutive Years (2009 – 2023)” and “The Excellent Performance Multifinance Company (Asset > IDR 10 Trillion)”.

In the Rating 140 Multifinance by Infobank magazine, BFI Finance was named one of the companies that bore the title

“Sangat Bagus” (“Excellent”) based on performance as of December 2022 – 2023. Evaluation had been conducted starting from determining rating formula, putting scores resulted from calculating growth ratios, and granting of titles, by using data derived from publicized financial reports as the main source.

Thank you to Sobat BFI (BFI Buddies) who have put their trust in BFI Finance regarding their financial solutions. Your support and loyalty serve as our motivation to give the best services.

Awards for BFI Finance are received by Sutadi (BFI Finance’s Director of Business and Asset Management)

Seminar on nonbank financial industry development (insurance and multifinance)
