Berita CSR

BFI Finance Supports Efforts to Improve the Quality of Education through Sekolah Kreatif Program

2024-09-24 00:00:00 581

PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) is continuously committed to improving the quality of education in Indonesia in order to generate empowered and quality future generations. Through the Sekolah Kreatif (Creative School) 2024 program, BFI Finance once again gave aid to a number of schools, distributed through BFI Finance’s CSR programs in 12 branch offices, namely in Pekanbaru, Palembang, Nganjuk, Sumbawa, Luwuk, Paser, Manggarai, Depok, Banjarmasin, Karawang, Malang, and Manado.

The distributed aid included digital devices such as laptops, computers, LCD monitors, and projectors. BFI Finance also helped developing or renovating some infrastructures and facilities in order to support learning and teaching activities, including renovation of school libraries, classrooms, toilets, ablution rooms, school roofs, bridges, school signboards, additional septic tanks, and provision of school desks and chairs.

Ceremonial handover of laptop aid from Area Manager of BFI Finance of Bogor Branch Office, Feri Arianto, to School Principal of SMP PGRI Bojong Gede Bogor, Saryuni S. Pd.I.,MM

Educational games session with elementary students of SDN Wanagiri, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, led by employees

Handover of aid packages containing computers and other digital devices for SMK Negeri 1 Luwuk, Central Sulawesi

Facility development of additional toilets at SDN 001 Tanah Grogot, Paser, East Kalimantan
