
Beware of Pinjol Ilegal, These are the Characteristics of Online Fraud

Admin BFI
11 July 2022
Beware of Pinjol Ilegal, These are the Characteristics of Online Fraud

Pinjol or online loans are currently popular in the community. The reason is, that this technological innovation can make it easier for anyone to obtain loan funds for various things. In addition to the relatively fast disbursement of funds, the loan also does not require collateral or guarantees, and existing transactions can be carried out anywhere as long as there is an adequate internet connection.

Unfortunately, the ease of technology is widely used by irresponsible parties to reap as much profit as possible.

Therefore, it is only natural that we know what are the characteristics of online loan fraud modes. Read more in the full explanation below.



What is Pinjol?

Online loans or better known by the abbreviation 'pinjol' is a form of loan that is made online. This loan is offered by the creditor (financing company) in the form of a loan without collateral in other words, the prospective debtor (borrower) does not need to include assets as one of the requirements.

Legal Pinjol has a clear website address and company that has been registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). In order to avoid the increasingly widespread model of lender-legal fraud, here are the characteristics of the online loan fraud mode that you need to remember.

Penipuan Pinjaman Online

Image Source: Pexels/Hong Son

Features of Online Loan Fraud 

Forced Product Offers

Generally, loans are made on the basis of the will of the prospective debtor or the person who wants to borrow. As for online loan fraud, this goes the other way around. Fraudsters tend to make offers to prospective debtors by force. Among them are offering loans via SMS, WhatsApp, and telephone.

Tips You Can Do To Avoid This:

  1. Try not to spread private cell phone numbers

  2. Don't pick up unknown numbers

  3. If you are forced to pick up the phone, try to check the number through a third-party application such as getcontact. This application can track and mark who the user of the number is

  4. Don't pay attention to messages or WhatsApp regarding loan offers

  5. Block unknown numbers that keep calling you or spamming

Sending Some Money To Account

Another mode that has recently been quite booming is that fraudsters send funds to an account without the account owner's approval. After that, the fraudster will pretend to collect loan funds with relatively high-interest fees.

If this happens to you, make sure not to panic, not to use the funds, and report it to the authorities as soon as possible.

Without Conditions, the Fund Application Process Is Too Simplified

Another common feature is that fraudsters do not impose any requirements such as identification or identity, forms, or other things that are commonly requested when applying for a loan of funds legally.

If a scammer offers you this convenience, be sure not to immediately be tempted to hang up calls or messages you receive.

Require Down Payment or Deposit

Every online loan does require an initial fee. It's just that these costs are used for administrative purposes in the form of stamp duty and other purposes.

As for fake or illegal online loan fraud (pinjol), they will always ask for a down payment (deposit) at the beginning so that the number of funds they want to borrow can be quickly disbursed. The amount requested depends on the number of loan funds that we apply. The larger the funds borrowed, the more advances requested will be.

Tips To Avoid This:

  1. Don't be in a hurry to accept the request

  2. Make sure to check the authenticity of the loan at OJK

Invalid Borrowing Operator Information

The next characteristic of online loan fraud is the invalid information of the organizer or company. In accordance with the applicable rules and determined by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), each existing loan company is required to register its company, complete with address and other requirements.

If you get information that is invalid or false, it may indicate that the loan is fake and you should be careful.

Requesting Personal Information

Illegal or fake loans tend to ask for a lot of personal information excessively. For example, asking for an account number accompanied by a password or additional information such as the identity of relatives and other closest people.

Pay Bills To Personal Account or E-Money

All legal loan transactions are only carried out via the application or website or the company's official website. It includes information about a number of bills, payment information through the company's bank, and others.

If you are asked to pay off a certain amount of loan funds through a bank in your personal name or other payment alternatives, you should be careful because this is an indication of fraud. Whatever the reason was given, it should not need to be ignored.

Unprofessional Social Media Display

As previously explained, legal borrowers are required to register their company as clearly as possible with the authorities such as the OJK. No exception their official website address. If the pinjol who contacted you doesn't have an official website or the website listed has a perfunctory appearance, then you should suspect the pinjol. You can also check the authenticity of the financing company through Google or directly on the OJK page.

Tips to Avoid Online Loan Scams

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has set strict regulations regarding online loans (pinjol). These rules are regulated in POJK No. 77/POJK/.01/2016.

Therefore, to avoid online loan fraud, you can apply the following tips.

  1. Make sure Pinjol is registered on the OJK Official Site

  2. There is a clear management identity and office address

  3. Pre-selected loan application by the financing company

  4. Transparent interest and loan fees (fees)

  5. Legal Pinjol does not ask for deposits at the beginning of the landing stage

  6. Legal Pinjol does not ask for complete or even excessive personal information

  7.  Legal Pinjol has a complaint service

  8. Do not give the lure or coercion to borrow

  9. On the borrower's device, the application only accesses the camera, microphone and location

  10. The debt collector must have a billing certification from AFPI (Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association)

  11. Do not offer through private communication channels. For example via SMS, WhatsApp, and telephone.

What To Do If You Find Pinjol Online?

1. Report to the Police

Complaints about illegal loans to the Police for legal processing through the page or sending complaints to the email address

2. Report to the Investment Alert Task Force

After reporting to the police, the next step you can take is to report illegal loans to the Investment Alert Task Force for blocking. You can contact the Investment Alert Task Force via the email address at

3. Kominfo Content Complaints

Eventually, report to Kominfo Content Complaints via email address, or to WhatsApp number 08119224545 and the page 

4. Check whether the existing financing company is registered with the OJK. Here are the steps:

  • Open the official OJK website at

  • Go to the menu then select financial technology

  • On this page, it will be clear which financial institutions have been registered

  • Or you can also write down the name of the finance company you are looking for directly in the search column on the OJK website

5. Contact OJK Contact at number 157, whatsapp at number 081157157157 or email and

6. Check the loan membership whether the loan has joined the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association (AFPI) 

Sobat BFI, Thus our review of online loan fraud. We hope that this article will help readers to be more aware of the various scams out there.

Kategori : Pinjaman