Gaya Hidup

Do You Want to Buy a House? Here are Categories and 7 Types of Houses!

Admin BFI
5 September 2022
Do You Want to Buy a House? Here are Categories and 7 Types of Houses!

The need for shelter is part of the primary or basic needs of every human being. When planning to buy a house there are several considerations that you should think about. One of them is the type of house.

Choosing the type of house can start with your needs and budget. So, what type of house is right for you? Let's discuss them one by one in the following article.


Houses Categories in Indonesia

Before discussing the types of houses in Indonesia, it helps us first understand the categorization of houses. There are at least 3 categories of houses that are most commonly known in the community. Among others, the categories of the simple, medium, and luxurious houses. You can see the full explanation in the following description.

1. Simple / Minimalist House Category

The first category is simple houses. In this category, the existing building area is less than 90 square meters and usually consists of a one-story building. This house is designed in such a way to be able to meet the need for housing on limited land. The types of houses that are included in the simple house category are types 21, 36, 45, and 60.

2. Middle House Category

The second category is medium-sized houses. For this type of residence, the land area ranges from 90-300 square meters, consists of 2 floors, and has many rooms. The types of houses that fall into this category are 90, 120, and others.

3. Luxury Home Category

For the third category, namely luxury homes, the building area is more than 300 meters. Because this type of house is rarely owned, the details of the room or the number of floors are usually different depending on each homeowner.

Tipe Rumah

Image Source: unsplash/maria ziegler

Types of Houses in Indonesia

When viewed from the size and land area, here are 7 types of houses that are most sought after.

1. Type 21/24

The first type of house is the 21/24 house. As the name implies, this type of house is built on land with an area of 21 meters or 24 square meters with building dimensions of 3x7, 5.25x4, or 6x3.5 meters. This one residence is included in the first housing category, namely a simple or minimalist house.

Due to their simple shape and adaptable size, the following types of houses are usually priced starting from 100 million, which consist of one bedroom, one bathroom, and a multifunctional room. Although it is called the 21/24 house type, in practice many property agents or developers offer 24, 27, or 30 types with the same designation.

2. Type 36

This type of house appears the most in property ads because its size is quite ideal, not too small or too big. The price is quite friendly. This type of housing falls into the category of simple houses with a middle to lower market segmentation.

These small, minimalist houses generally have dimensions of 6x6 meters or 9x4 meters and are built on an area of 60-72 square meters, some are built on an area of 90 square meters, depending on the developer. With the existing area, this type of house has several rooms including 1-2 bedrooms, a living room, one bathroom, a dining room, a kitchen, and a living room. For this type of house, the price is usually around 300-400 million, depending on the location where you buy it.

3. Type 45

Do you feel that the type of house 36 is too narrow but the budget is not so much? Type 45 housing can be the solution for you! Included in the category of lower-middle or middle-low houses, this house has dimensions of 6x7.5 meters with a land area of ​​usually 72, 90, and 96 square. When compared to the previous two types, this type of house is certainly more comfortable with a commensurate price and better building quality.

4. Type 54

For a small family with two children, this type of house is a suitable to be chosen. With building dimensions of 9x6 meters and 13.5x4 square meters, it is spacious enough to live in. Not only that, this type of house has a yard large enough to support your outdoor activities such as exercising or creative activities.

5. Type 60

Type 60 houses are included in the category of middle-class or middle-class houses. This type of residence generally consists of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 living room with house dimensions of 6x10 square meters or 5x12 square meters. Although quite spacious, this type of house is not ideal if it is used as a family gathering place. The market price for this type of house is around 500-700 million.

6. Type 70

This type of house can already be categorized as a luxury house in other words it has an upper-class market segmentation. This type of house can also accommodate more family members and other needs such as adding furniture or space. For the price, usually, this type of house is marketed for billions.

7. Type 120

The last type of house is residential type 120. This type is very common in elite residential areas. Generally built on land with an area of 150 square meters with dimensions of 10x12 meters or 8x15 meters. In addition, this type of house with an upper-class market segmentation can be ascertained to have good building quality.

Tipe Rumah

Image Source: pexels/max vakhbotvych

Home Buying Tips

The process of finding the first residence is a very thrilling moment. After all, having a private residence is everyone's dream. Well, if you are interested in buying a house in the near future or want to look for references from a long time ago, you can follow these tips on buying a house!

1. Conduct an Environmental Survey

Choose a place that is close to public access and free from natural disasters. In other words, choose a residence that is located in a strategic place. This will make it easier for you in various ways, especially if you plan to make the house as passive income such as making boarding houses or rented houses.

2. Applying for A Mortgage

KPR can be a solution for those of you who want to own a house but are hindered by funds. The main requirement is to make sure your track record is clean with a good credit score. Thus, the existing application process will be easier for creditors to accept. Also, make sure the installments taken have been adjusted to your income and ability to pay in installments.

3. Choose A House According to Your Needs and Budget

It is important to choose a house according to your needs and budget. Because, buying a house is not only paying off the building and land money but there are several funds that must be paid, for example, a down payment. As for if you want to resell the house that you have bought, you can choose the type of house that is most in demand.

4. Choose a Trusted Developer

If you plan to use the services of a developer, choose a developer who has been operating for a long time and is trusted by ensuring a clear background and making sure that he does not have a history of problematic sales.

5. Prepare Funds To Buy Furniture

One of the things that you should not miss is to set aside some of your home purchase budgets to buy furniture or furniture in it. This is very important for you to consider so that you can immediately occupy your dream house.

6. Avoid Buying a Home With a History of Disputes

The last tip is to make sure the history of the house is clean and dispute-free. This is very important and must be your concern, especially if you want to buy a used house. To be sure you can ask directly the owner of the house or neighbors in the vicinity. Of course, we don't want to be burdened with new problems when we will occupy the dream house.

Sobat BFI, that's the discussion regarding the category of houses, types of houses, and tips for buying a house. The hope is that this article can help anyone in choosing a dream home and provide sufficient insight into housing.

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Kategori : Gaya Hidup