
Creditors Are: Definition, Examples, and Differences from Debtors

Admin BFI
26 June 2024
Creditors Are: Definition, Examples, and Differences from Debtors

Creditors play an important role in the financial ecosystem, for both individuals and businesses. The creditor is the party who provides assets or wealth to the party applying for the loan. This certainly has risks, because the borrower's ability to repay the loan varies. If you want to know more about what a creditor is and what rights you get if you become a creditor, check out this article!



1. What is a Creditor?

1.1 Definition of Creditor

A creditor is a party who provides a loan or credit to another party (debtor) with the hope of getting the principal back along with interest or other benefits in accordance with the agreement. Creditors can be individuals, financial institutions, finance companies, or other entities that have the capacity to provide loans.

1.2 Differences between Creditors and Debtors

Creditors and debtors are two opposing parties in a loan transaction. Creditors provide loans, while debtors receive loans. Creditors have the right to receive back the money or assets lent, as well as interest or other profits. On the other hand, the debtor has an obligation to repay the loan in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.


2. Creditor Function in Financial Transactions

2.1 Funders in Loan Transactions

Creditors act as parties who have receivables or provide funds in lending transactions. An example is BFI Finance which provides funds with collateral for assets such as BPKB or house certificates. In this case, the debtor pledges his assets to obtain funds from creditors, which can then be used for various financial purposes.

2.2 Credit Facility Providers

Creditors also provide credit facilities to accelerate asset ownership for consumers. Examples are car, motorbike or housing loans. With this credit facility, consumers can own the goods or property they want by making installment payments in accordance with the credit agreement.

2.3 Increasing Productive Financing Activities

Apart from that, creditors play a role in increasing productive financing activities. They provide funds that businesses can use for expansion, product development, or other investments. In this way, creditors help encourage economic growth and create jobs.

2.4 Supporting the Country's Economic Movement

Creditors play an important role in supporting the country's economic movement. By providing credit and financing, they help increase consumption, investment, and overall economic growth. Credit provided by creditors to various economic sectors can increase people's productivity and welfare.


3. Creditor Rights

3.1 Getting the Assets Back

The main right of creditors is to get their assets back, whether in the form of money or goods, in accordance with the agreement. In other words, creditors have the right to receive unpaid receivables due to financial transactions with debtors. When debtors receive a loan, they sign a legally binding agreement to return the loan amount along with interest (if any) within a certain time period. If the debtor makes payments according to the agreement, the creditor has the right to receive the entire loan principal back along with interest.

This repayment process can take the form of monthly installments, quarterly payments, or full payment at the end of the loan period, depending on the terms of the credit agreement. Adherence to this payment schedule not only ensures creditors get their assets back, but also helps maintain the debtor's financial reputation, which can impact their ability to obtain loans in the future.

3.2 Obtaining Profits According to the Agreement

Apart from the principal loan, the creditor is also entitled to receive profits in the form of interest or other returns as agreed in the agreement. The interest received by the creditor is compensation for the risk taken and as a reward for the use of these funds by the debtor.

The amount of interest and other conditions are usually regulated in a credit contract that has been approved by both parties. The types of interest applied can vary, including fixed interest (fixed rate) or floating interest (floating rate). Creditors may also receive additional costs such as administration fees, late fees, or other penalties stipulated in the contract. This advantage is very important for creditors, especially for financial institutions such as banks and finance companies, whose income mostly comes from interest on loans provided.

3.3 Withdrawing Assets in the Event of Default

If the debtor fails to fulfill his obligations or defaults, the creditor has the right to execute the guarantee that has been given. For example, if the collateral is a vehicle, house, or other property, the creditor can withdraw and sell the asset to cover losses. The process of withdrawing and selling these assets usually involves legal procedures that must be complied with, including warning the debtor and an auction process supervised by the relevant authorities.


4. Type of Creditor

4.1 Separatist Creditors

Separatist creditors are creditors who have the privilege to execute collateral directly without having to follow bankruptcy procedures. They have the right to take back assets pledged as collateral by the debtor in the event of default.

Examples of types of separatist creditors are lien holders, land mortgage holders (HTAT), mortgage rights holders, and others.

4.2 Preferred Creditors

Preferred creditors are creditors who have the right to receive payment first compared to other creditors in the event of liquidation of the debtor's assets. They have higher payment priority by law or agreement.

An example is an employee who gets his rights if the company he works for goes bankrupt. These rights can be in the form of severance pay, wages that must be paid a maximum of 3 months before being declared bankrupt, and so on.

4.3 Concurrent Creditors

Concurrent creditors are creditors who do not have special collateral or payment priority. They must share payments proportionally with other creditors based on the debtor's remaining assets available after separatist and preferred creditors have been satisfied.


5. Examples of Creditors in the Financial Industry

5.1 Banks

Banks are the main creditors in the financial industry providing various types of loans, from consumer loans to commercial loans. Banks also offer credit facilities such as home ownership credit (KPR), motor vehicle loans and credit cards. In addition, banks often provide working capital loans for businesses, education loans for students, and various other types of personal loans.

Banks have strict risk assessment mechanisms to ensure that loans are provided to borrowers who are qualified and have the ability to repay. Apart from that, banks also play a role in funding large projects such as infrastructure or industrial investment that require large funds.

The right to execute collateral provides additional protection for creditors against the risk of default. With collateral, creditors have greater certainty that they will be able to recover some or all of the funds lent even if the debtor fails to pay.

5.2 Finance Company

Finance companies play an important role in providing loans secured by assets such as vehicles or property. They provide funds to consumers with agreed guarantee conditions. Finance companies also often offer leasing services, where they purchase assets for use by consumers with payments in installments.

An example of a finance company is BFI Finance. BFI Finance offers various financing products with a fast and easy process with interest as long as all required documents have been completed and are appropriate. You can pledge your assets and get funds up to 80% of the value of your assets.

5.3 Fintech

Fintech or financial technology companies provide technology-based loan services. They offer a variety of loan products, from personal loans to small and medium business financing, with a faster and easier process than traditional financial institutions. Through digital platforms, fintech can access borrower data in real-time and use advanced algorithms to assess credit worthiness, reducing administration time and costs.

Fintechs also often offer competitive interest rates and flexible repayment options, making them more accessible to individuals and businesses who may have difficulty obtaining loans from traditional banks. In addition, fintech often innovates with new products such as peer-to-peer lending (P2P Lending) and crowdfunding, which opens up access to wider financing.

5.4 Savings and Loans Cooperatives

Savings and loan cooperatives are financial institutions managed by cooperative members. They provide loans to members at lower interest rates than other financial institutions. Savings and loan cooperatives act as creditors that provide access to financing for their members with more flexible terms and based on member trust and solidarity.

In addition to providing loans, cooperatives also often provide financial education and other support to their members to ensure the success and sustainability of members' businesses. Credit unions are usually more accessible to local communities and are often the top choice for those looking for community-based financial solutions.

5.5 Investors

Individual or institutional investors can also act as creditors by providing loans or capital to businesses. They usually look for returns in the form of interest or dividends from the investments they make. Investors can engage in various types of financing, ranging from short-term loans to long-term investments in the form of equity or bonds.

Additionally, investors can also participate in startup funding through venture capital or private equity, providing the necessary funds for business growth and expansion. Investors often conduct in-depth analysis of investment opportunities to manage risk and ensure maximum returns. With the expertise and resources they have, investors can become strategic partners for businesses in achieving long-term financial goals.


Basically, creditors are an important element in the financial system that supports various economic activities. By understanding the roles, rights and types of creditors, we can better understand how they contribute to facilitating financing, supporting economic growth and ensuring their rights are legally protected. Through good cooperation between creditors and debtors, stability and economic growth can be realized in a sustainable manner.

BFI friends, creditors will provide loans to people who need them. Whether as business capital, education funds, or other needs. If you are one of the people who needs funds for this purpose, you can apply for a loan with collateral from a creditor, one of which is BFI Finance. BFI Finance is a financing company that provides loans guaranteed by motorbike BPKB, car BPKB, and house or shophouse certificates. With competitive interest rates and flexible tenors, BFI Finance can be your solution if you need funds for your needs. Come on, apply for your financing now at BFI Finance!

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