
Best Online Money Loans For Employees

Admin BFI
30 September 2021
Best Online Money Loans For Employees

Happy end of the month and happy payday! Talking about paychecks, there may be times when some of you who are already working experience a lack of funds before payday. One solution to this problem is to apply for the best and most trusted online money loan for various needs.

This problem is normal and often occurs in the middle of the month, more precisely around the 2nd or 3rd week. This can be caused by various factors. One of the main factors is the cost of living which is getting higher, but not balanced by salary. This is sometimes exacerbated by reduced income due to the impact of the pandemic. Loans for employees are sometimes needed so that you can survive until payday comes


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You can apply for a loan from a finance company that provides the best online money loans, such as BFI Finance. That is by pledging the BPKB of your car or motorbike and getting the loan funds needed for various financial needs.

What are the requirements for applying for a multipurpose loan at BFI Finance for employees? Come on, see the full review below!

1. Best Online Money Loan Terms

The loan application process at BFI Finance is quite easy. As an initial requirement, you must be at least 21 years old and a maximum of 60 years old to apply for a loan. And work as a permanent employee for at least one year. For those of you who are married, you can also use the vehicle BPKB in your name or your partner's name as collateral for a multipurpose loan.

The following documents are required to apply for a loan at BFI Finance:

  • KTP and KK.
  • NPWP / Tax Return.
  • Last 3 Months Account.
  • Employee Salary Slip / Income Certificate.
  • Guarantee Documents (STNK, Tax, BPKB, Invoice)
  • Domicile Data (Electricity PEL ID / Last Electricity Account / Last PBB / SHM / AJB / PK)

2. Come on, Apply for Financing at BFI Finance!

Those are some of the things you need to get a money loan. Come on, get the best online money loan for employees at BFI Finance!

You can get disbursement of funds up to 60% of the value of the collateralized asset at a competitive interest rate. In addition, BFI Finance also provides loan tenors ranging from 12 months to 60 months which can be chosen according to your needs.

BFI Finance has been registered and supervised by OJK, so its security and credibility are guaranteed.

Come on, apply for a safe, easy, and reliable loan at BFI Finance for all your financial needs!

BFI Finance is a company that provides multi-purpose loans with guarantees for motorbike bpkbcar bpkb, and house or shophouse certificates

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